Now that travel limitations have lifted since the Covid19 pandemic era, more families are taking advantage of time lost and have started to vacation together. The idea of multigenerational traveling is also becoming popular throughout the globe. Whether it is field trips, historical guides, or outdoor performances, there’s always plenty of adventures for the whole family to come together and enjoy fun activities along the way. There are several organizations that provide engaging trips for all ages, from eight to eighty years. These may include exploring historical landmarks to hiking in the mountains to going horseback riding in the countryside.
Why travel with multiple generations?

When planning a multigenerational trip, first decide if the trip is the right fit for you and your extended family. Not every family gets along with each other. Just look at the Griswold’s from the “National Lampoon” movies. In each one Clark, played by Chevy Chase may love his wife and kids, but can’t stand his wife’s cousin Eddie. However, the movie always seems to portray a happy, yet funny ending where things just work out. So, when you’re ready to spend the cost to vacation with extended family, make sure everyone is satisfied with the accommodations and the plans. Remember, if no one is happy, then disaster can develop and ruin a good time.
Fun Family vacations for multigenerational traveling
Many multigenerational family travelers can spend their time going on cruise trips, hiking in national parks, or visit historical sites. Below is an in-depth example of some of the best activities for multigenerational traveling.
If you and your family choose to enjoy a sunset cruise, there are plenty of cruise ships that offer plenty of entertainment for both the youngsters and the young at heart. The variety of activities available on cruise ships are immense and can appeal to all ages. Almost every ship company will provide kid-only facilities with trained youth counselors and lifeguards, specialized in CPR, to monitor children in the kid-friendly areas. Other fun activities include ample dining and entertainment options, shore excursions that are family-friendly, and most offer kids sail for free. When sailing on a cruise ship, you and your extended family can experience exploring almost every continent and region throughout the world.
National Parks

Exploring our national parks with the whole family can be another fun and exciting trip to do with the extended family. Taking a tour of the natural wonders of our nation will provide unforgettable sunsets and outdoor adventures for both the kids and adults. There are national parks in every region of our country, from the breathtaking coastlines to majestic mountainsides to the beautiful woodlands. There are many types of activities that families can do when visiting our national parks. These may include swimming, kayaking, hiking, biking, and fishing. Some places may even provide horseback riding. Family members can learn about the park’s history as well as the ecosystem in the area. When your family takes a tour of these landmarks, they will create memories that will last a lifetime while connecting to nature. Just remember to have everyone stock up their backpack, grab the appropriate gear, and put on their hiking boots. The park may also provide programs for the kids, such as the Junior Ranger Program.
Historical sightings and events
When planning a multigenerational trip, one of the best places to go is historical sites and landmarks. Visiting one of the nation’s historical places and how its foundations came about is a great learning experience for both the kids and grandparents. Traveling to preserved landmarks and cherished monuments can also open up interesting conversations while exploring our country’s history. Some common historical sites are the Lewis & Clark Trail in Omaha, Nebraska; the Pony Express Trail, covering eight states from Missouri to California; Gettysburg, PA; Plymouth Rock, MA; and New Orleans, LA– to name a few. You and your family will not only learn about the history of these landmarks, but also the culture and political influences that inspired the growth of these places.
All-inclusive family tours
Many families that go on vacation together look for all-inclusive family tours, where everything from activities, food, drinks, price, and more are included. Some all-inclusive tours provide supervised programs just for kids and the teens. The services for them are often exciting and cool for each of the little ones, and they may want to spend the whole day or evening in their own area. Some tours may also offer a Spa retreat for the adults to indulge themselves at. There are many family-specific all-inclusive tours located in Mexico and the Caribbean; however, some are found at lakeside retreats, wellness getaways, country ranches, and ski resorts.
Wildlife adventures
One of the most common multigenerational family vacations that are chosen among all ages is wildlife excursions or Safaris. No matter if it is cuddly koala bears from down under or the big cats of the jungle, animal touring with family can brighten the day for every member of the family. Places such as Latin America, Alaska, Australia, and Africa are known to provide the best wildlife adventures for all members of the multigenerational vacation. Other common wildlife trips include the Galápagos and Tanzania.
Amusement Park
Although amusement parks are more fun for the little ones, there are plenty of activities for all family members to do when going to an amusement park. Sometimes the grandparents will hang out with the younger kids to allow the adults/parents to have some time alone on the big rides. But then get together when it’s lunch or dinner time. This makes everyone enjoy the day. Most amusement parks can be exhausting, especially for the little ones. Be prepared to bring a stroller on the trip. Many parks may also provide rentals if you end up forgetting to pack one.
No matter how old you are, going to a Disney resort or Disney theme park can bring smiles to both kids and grandparents. The kids love the fun and entertainment, and the parents and grandparents love to see the little ones having a good time. The parks and resorts offer every kind of attraction you can think of. From exciting activities for everyone, a variety of cuisine food to choose from, accessibility to all, great entertainment, and much more.
Family RV Trip

One last option for multigenerational traveling is taking the family on a RV trip. This gives families time to explore wherever and whenever they want, and at their own pace. RVing provides the family with a place to sleep, eat, and just relax while traveling to a variety of destinations. Most RVs provide a small kitchenette, fold-out comfortable beds, and bathroom facilities, all in one. Everything your family may need; it is right there for you. There are many sizes of RVs as well. However, most sleeps 6-8 people comfortably. If you don’t have a RV of your own, there are some places that provide the option to rent one for your family trip.
Tips for Family Travel
When traveling with family, it can sometimes be stressful, especially when not everyone is on board with where you’re going and what activities to do when you arrive. Being prepared for the whole trip is first on the list. When you are, not only will your stress levels go down, but you may even save on money and time. Below are some more tips that are useful and easy to implement while panning the family trip.
Set realistic expectations.

When planning a generational trip with family, consider realistic expectations for all in the party. If one of the grandparents are handicapped or need some assistance due to mobility issues, then choosing a trip that provides nature trails with easy access to ramps and smooth pavement areas would be helpful. When budgeting for the trip, make sure everyone understands how much their obligated to pay. If only a few people are providing the funds, then allocating the money before the trip is always important.
Outline the Trip for Your Kids
If you are planning to take your children on vacation with you. You should inform them ahead of time. So that they get acclimated with the idea of a road trip. Children get bored easily, and they like to move around. They need to know what to expect. Also, they need to know how they should act and behave while traveling. If you’re flying you might inform your kids the procedures of checking in at the airport, and the procedures on the plane. If you are thinking about traveling by automobile, you might set rules on how they should behave in the car. Perhaps plan frequent stops, so they can run around and let off steam. This only applies to small children. Teens can endure longer trips better. However, bringing along some electronic devices to keep them entertained will help, no matter the age.
Don’t Overpack
When packing do not overpack, you’re going on vacation not moving. Only pack the essentials needed for the trip. Think about your destination. Are there things you can leave at home and purchase once you get to your destination. When packing for the kids just pack what is essential for them, in order to keep to their routines. Once you get to your destination. be sure to plan fun excursions for the children and yourself. Remember your on vacation to have fun and relax.
Be sure to ask about Discounts
Be on the lookout for discounts when planning your trip. Discounts can be for the kids, yourself, tours, car rentals, restaurants and more. Going on vacation should not break the bank. Certain times of the year many things pertaining to vacation travel will be discounted. Plan your vacation accordingly to take advantage of these discounts.
Accept that sometimes things go wrong
Lets face it, things go wrong on vacations. From missed flights to lost luggage and everything in between. Things will get lost, misplaced, or even break. Stressing over it is not going to help. Always have back up plans. And remember, most things can always be replaced.
Keep Track of Your Child
Where ever you go and if you are traveling with small children keep an eye on them and know where they are at all times. Having a child get lost is a parents worst nightmare come true. To keep track of them consider either a leash or a gps tracker. If you are traveling in pairs with another adult have them share the duties of watching the child or children. Grandparents that are traveling with you can also take on the duties of the young children as well. However, babies should stay with the parents.
Travel With Basic Medicines
While traveling people can fall ill. If this happens, it is always good to have a small amount of any over-the-counter medications on hand for emergencies. Whether it is headache medicine, upset stomach, or motion sickness medicine. Remember to pack all prescriptions as well. A trip can be ruined quickly without these necessary measures.
Pack a Special Toy
Small children need comfort when traveling. And an anxious child can make a fun trip turn stressful. Make sure to bring their favorite toy or stuffed animal on the trip to keep them calm. It could also be a blanket or iPod. When it comes to children the less stressed, they are the less stressed parents are. And that makes the vacation or family trip well worth it.
Be Flexible
One last thing to remember is to always be aware that things may change when going on vacation with family. No matter how much you plan for the trip, sometimes plans need to be readjusted. For example, a museum may be closed for maintenance last minute or you may find that an event has longer lines than usual. Make sure you have a back up plan of where to go when and if this occurs. Whatever you do, remember to stay calm, relax, and just have fun.